So in preparing for a show next week (Weird and Wonderful Wood at Haughley Park) all the stuff I had great hopes for, it has all come out pants! So frustrating. I what I need to do in the firing is try and oxidise (the kiln had been reducing since 100 Celsius) for the last half hour just to brighten the colours. Well I thought I had got it right, keeping my log of the firing. But I was wrong, ended up firing for an hour and a half before it got to temperature, and now it all looks rubbish. I was working with a regulator that didn't have a pressure gauge and another one that can jump a psi either way depending on its mood and how hard you tap it!! Things are never easy, or at least don't seem to be at the moment.
So the plan is to fire the things that didn't make it last time and fill in with the pants stuff, and try and refire them! Some of what should have been purple came out an amazing blue, a couple of which I will keep. But the rest I need to get purple on!, as well as some dark rich brown tenmoku, not 'shit' brown! (There is a story behind that, but another time) Karlx